One Teen’s Story: Hard Work Opens the Door to Nia’s Future

Nia was 17 years old when she and her family were evicted from their home.

She was also eight months pregnant.

At first, Nia moved in with her child’s father. For a time, she slept on the sofa. She tolerated the rats and roaches that scampered across the floor at night.

But her child’s father became abusive. And when Nia discovered that he was taking her money, she knew she needed to find a different living situation.

That’s when Nia and her new baby boy got connected to Healthy Babies Project.

hard work leads to a stable home

“Nia has been very active in working to improve her situation,” says her case manager. In order to escape her living situation, she moved into one of HBP’s transitional houses for a short time.

Then, Nia set about to find a suitable living situation. Phone call after phone call finally led Nia to an apartment of her own.

In the meantime, she had a second child – one who has needed numerous surgeries, therapy, and intensive support since birth.

hard work leads to a future

But Nia did not give up. She put her children’s needs first and ensured they are healthy, happy, and doing well in preschool. In the meantime, she has saved money, built her credit rating, and is working to buy a home for her family.

She continues to take GED classes. “Nia wants her children to understand the value of education,” says her case worker. “She is focused and even more motivated than ever to complete her program.”

Nia’s story is not over. There is so much more to come for her and her family. But she has escaped homelessness and desperation. She has built a support system and has built a loving home for her children. She is already a success.


One Teen’s Story: “By Giving, You Can Change a Life”