Your gift changes
young lives!
Partner with Healthy Babies project on #givingtuesday 2024
Your gift has an immediate, one-on-one impact on the life of a child or family.
Healthy Babies Project is concerned about your comfort and security. That is why our online giving adheres to the utmost standards of safety. You can give safely and conveniently to Healthy Babies Project.
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Please note: Your gifts to HBP are tax-deductible.

is November 28, 2024
If a financial donation is not feasible at this time, there are always more ways to give. Let us know what is right for you. Every donation supports our mission.
We’re expanding Perennial House!
The renovation will add another story to Perennial House and along with it, four two-bedroom units. That means a total of 8 young moms and their children will have a place to call home at Perennial House.
This year, for Giving Tuesday, we’d like to raise $7,000 to help furnish and outfit one of the new rooms. So a new HBP family can have a place to call home.