One Teen’s Story: “By Giving, You Can Change a Life”
hbp graduate comes full circle, now gives back to other young mothers in need
Nyla and her son
On a dreary, rainy day in December, Nyla Roy steered her car into a parking spot in northeast D.C. She rolled down her window and yelled to a volunteer, “I think I am going to need some help!”
Nyla’s car was jam-packed with gifts, beautifully wrapped and topped off with bows. Just one seat is left – one that is currently occupied by her young son Tyshawn. Nyla and Tyshawn had carved out this time during the busy holiday season to join Healthy Babies Project at its 11th Annual Adopt-A-Family celebration. Families in need are connected with a sponsor who provides gifts and necessities for the winter season.
HBP’s Adopt-A-Family program is not new phenomenon for Nyla. At age 16, she discovered she was pregnant. A counselor at H.D. Woodson Senior High School connected Nyla to HBP’s Teen Parent Empowerment Program, where she learned how to prepare for parenting, care for her baby, and make a career plan so she could support herself and her family.
When the holiday season rolled around, Nyla didn’t have money for gifts. But a generous sponsor stepped forward so she and her new son could celebrate.
hbp graduate stays connected
Nyla not only remained connected to HBP but has poured herself into other young parents, serving as a doula (providing physical and emotional support for birthing mothers) as a peer facilitator (educating teens girls in reproductive health education, STD/ HIV and pregnancy prevention and self-respect); and even as a Family Support Worker (providing social services support to parenting mothers in the program). Today, Nyla works full-time and is a college student at Howard University studying clinical laboratory sciences.
hbp graduates can give back
What are Nyla’s words of advice for other young mothers like her? “Keep going and don’t stop,” she says. “As cliché as is sounds there is always light at the end of the tunnel. Don’t forget where you came from. There will always be a girl like you, with your same story, so pay it forward.”
Nyla has done just that. Thanks to generous sponsors this past December, HBP’s Adopt-A-Family served more than 50 families – families who otherwise would have had no means to celebrate with a gift or a good meal.
Nyla was among them. “I wanted to give back from what I got in the past,” says Nyla, gesturing to the gifts which she purchased and wrapped for a young family in need. Even as a mom and a college student with struggles, Nyla is grateful for support from her son’s father. Nyshawn has everything he needs, she says.
“It is an interesting perspective because I been on both sides of the story – as a recipient and as a sponsor,” says Nyla, who felt good about her first time as a sponsor. She is hopeful that community residents and young parents both are willing to give back when they can.
“I am living proof to people by giving, you can change a life.”
If you or a teen you know is pregnant and needs support, contact HBP to learn about our Teen Parent Empowerment Program.